Dedicated to the promotion of the art of wood carving through shared ideas.

Ten monthly meetings are held each year. The meetings are both social gatherings, carving and educational sessions where members share techniques, ideas and the resources of a well stocked library of books and videos. Informative guest speakers, carvers and pyrographist are also invited to the meetings.
Heartland Forest (Click here for a map)
We meet on the 3rd MONDAY of every month at 6.30pm from September to June each year. (no meetings July or August)
We Have an annual BBQ in the summer and Christmas dinner in December.
The "WONDERS OF WOOD" Show and Competition.
The Niagara Woodcarvers Association produces one of the areas best Woodcarving Shows, Sale and Competition. This event takes place early each spring.
Knotty News
Membership includes a subscription to Knotty News, an Niagara Woodcarvers Association publication with shared ideas and club news.
Constitution and By-Laws
Click HERE to see the Constitution and By-laws.
Seminars and classes
Special seminars are held throughout the year ... usually the hands-on variety. Some of our members offer carving classes for beginners while others instruct more advanced seminars, including relief carving, carving in the round and chip carving. Click here to see current classes
Social gatherings through the year for club members include a June BBQ and a Christmas dinner social.
Community Involvement
In addition, many of our members are involved in community carving projects, such as murals and large plaques. Each year volunteers from our Club can be found at the Annual Balls Falls Thanksgiving Festival and Pioneer Days at the Jordan Museum, Ontario, sponsoring Carving for Kids, an activity that introduces woodcarving to children. Carving for Kids attracted over 1,000 children this year. Join us today... Get Involved... and see what you've been missing!
How Can I Get Involved?
Come out and experience one of our meetings and see what we are about.
Don't forget to send in or bring it along to a meeting your Membership Application.